Laisser les bons temps rouler- Let the good times roll!
Fat Tuesday came and went. What was I doing? Well, my 35 year old bad self was hanging with my pups, enjoying a glass (or maybe two) of wine, and lamenting that American Idol was not on until Wednesday. When I was in my (mostly early) 20's, Fat Tuesday was a fantastic excuse to party downtown, collecting beads over harmless innuendos, maybe "wooing" (you know like a cheerleader wooooo!) one too many times because it was just TOO much fun! That was when I could actually handle a little something we like to call liquor. And even multiple nights in a row!! During the week!! Well, my excitement over holidays has shifted to excitement over preparing a dish that goes with said holiday. And enjoying the wine. This seems like a good introduction to my recipe, Cajun Chicken Pasta. Seriously, so easy. This week, I've felt very Rachel-Ray-ish (not because I'm using complicated words like EVOO, stoup, sammie, and delish- it's cool Rach, you're still my girl), ...